UIIC AO Exam was conducted on 21st December 2024. This exam was conducted online and was a descriptive test. Here the difficulty level of the questions asked in the exam and Subject Wise’s good attempts marks have been discussed. This opinion is based on a survey conducted by various experts and coaching villages. Students can give their opinions about this exam and can also comment in the comment box. Here the exam review, difficulty level, and good attempts have been discussed.

About UIIC AO Exam 2024
UIIC AO exam was completed on 21st December 2024 which was conducted in a single shift from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Thousands of students have participated in this exam. According to the feedback of the students, the level of this exam was easy to moderate. Here the questions attempted by the students, good attempts, difficulty level have been discussed and complete information about exam analysis has been given.
Vacancy And Exam Details For UIIC AO 2024
There were a total of 100 vacancies in this exam which were conducted for the posts of Administrative Officer Journalist. This exam was divided into two parts, one was an online exam and the other was a descriptive test. In this exam, 200 objective-type questions were asked for which two and a half hours were given. In the descriptive test, questions were asked about letter writing and such writing in the English language. Here section wise and subject wise exam analysis has been explained.
UIIC AO Exam Analysis
If we discuss the questions of General Knowledge here, then two questions were asked related to insurance, two to three questions were asked related to banking, two to three questions were asked related to statements, questions were asked about the 50th Film Festival, questions were also asked about the Indian Maldives Currency Agreement and Shashi Tharoor’s book, questions were also asked about Mahila Samman Nidhi Yojana, questions were asked about the people of Blue Sky, questions were asked about Meta Penalty, questions were asked about Probe Mission and Air Quality Index as well as about ICC Hall of Fame.
UIIC AO Exam Analysis 21 December 2024
In the table below, all the information about good attempt questions, subject subject-wise difficulty levels is given by making an index. Students can check the table.
General Overview Table
S.No. | Name of the Tests | Difficulty Level |
1. | Reasoning | Easy to Moderate |
2. | English Language | Easy to Moderate |
3. | Quantitative Aptitude | Moderate |
4. | General Awareness (with special reference to the Financial Sector) | Moderate |
5. | Computer Knowledge | Easy to Moderate |
6. | An additional test to assess technical & professional knowledge in a relevant discipline (Specialist Only) | Moderate |
Total | Easy to Moderate |
For Generalist Posts Good Attempts
S.No. | Name of the Tests | Total Questions | Good Attempts |
1. | Reasoning | 50 | 40-43 |
2. | English Language | 50 | 35-39 |
3. | Quantitative Aptitude | 40 | 22-28 |
4. | General Awareness (with special reference to the Financial Sector) | 40 | 25-30 |
5. | Computer Knowledge | 20 | 15-16 |
Total | 200 | 137-156 |
Cut-Off Marks by Category (Previous year)
Category | Cut-Off Marks |
UR (Unreserved) | 127.75 |
SC (Scheduled Caste) | 107.75 |
ST (Scheduled Tribe) | 97.75 |
OBC (Other Backward Classes) | 119.75 |
EWS (Economically Weaker Section) | 120 |
PwBD-VI (Persons with Benchmark Disabilities – Visually Impaired) | 111.75 |
PwBD-HH (Hearing Impaired) | 76.5 |
PwBD-OC (Orthopedically Challenged) | 104 |
PwBD-ID (Intellectual Disability) | 86.5 |